Terms and conditions for use of the Research Data Archive



Note to all users on the provisions of data submitted.

Research Data Archive is primarily funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN). The business model of the Research Data Archive research data archive is to provide a service free of charge to the end-users under the assumption that data contributors provide the required meta-data about the dataset, publish it via the service and in doing so provide open access to the data.

The RCN is currently revising its data policies and requirements for research projects receiving grants from the Research Council. The future publication of datasets is therefore subject to revision with possible prerequisites for any data submitted and/or restrictions on what users are allowed to make use of the service free of charge.

These Terms and Conditions of Use are subject to change at any time and without notice, other than through posting the updated Terms and Conditions of Use on the Research Data Archive website.

Roles and responsibilities

The Research Data Archive requires users wishing to archive datasets to sign this agreement between the Archive and the Depositor. The agreement lays out the responsibilities of the Archive and of the user depositing data to the archive as well as the terms of access to the dataset. In summary, the agreement is divided into two parts:
Research Data Archive Responsibilities

  • To ensure the dataset is managed according to the license agreement.
  • To ensure users of the dataset are aware of the access license. The archive encourages data to be made as free from restriction as possible and suggests data follow the CC By 4.0 license.
  • To ensure approved users can access the dataset for the duration of the agreement (10 years from the date of submission).

Depositor Responsibilities

  • To ensure the dataset does not contain illegal content and that the data collection does not breach privacy or data protection laws
  • To ensure that the dataset abides by copyright and publication restrictions
  • To ensure permission from all stakeholders has been obtained to deposit the dataset
  • To ensure sufficient metadata is supplied with the dataset to enable discovery and reuse of the dataset
  • To have read and signed the depositor license agreement

Before start using the Research Data Archive, please read the Research Data Archive - Depositor Agreement.