The European Open Science Cloud´s (EOSC) ambition is to provide European researchers, innovators, companies, and citizens with a federated and open multi-disciplinary environment where they can publish, find and reuse data, tools and services for research, innovation and educational purposes.

EOSC supports the EU’s policy of Open Science and aims to give the EU a global leader in research data management and ensure that European scientists enjoy the full benefits of data-driven science. 

Norway's role in EOSC

The EOSC Association was in 2021 established as an AISBL, and EOSC is set to continue as a key element under Horizon Europe (HE) and Digital Europe programmes. The Research Council of Norway has joined the EOSC Association as the Designated Member from Norway, while Sikt, Sigma2’s mother institution, has become a regular member of the association. Sigma2s partner BOTT universities are also regular members.

Sigma2 supports the partnership of Norwegian institutions with the EOSC association by coordinating activities related to delivering services and infrastructure to the EOSC, in synergies with activities happening in NeIC and under the EuroHPC Join Undertaking umbrella. NRIS offers competencies and have contributed to the EOSC since the first-generation projects.

As the Norwegian service provider of national e-infrastructure, we will continue to engage in workpackages that will contribute to devloping EOSC into a rich environement offering a wide range of services and resources for researchers.